Award winning clubs | Established 1994

07960 476124

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Champions in the making

Mar 13, 2024 | NEWS

Have you ever heard about the Martial Art called Taekwondo? It is said Taekwondo originated in Korea over 2,000 years ago, with roots in ancient martial art traditions. There are two versions of the Martial Art – ITF style which is self-defence based and focused on health, wellbeing and mental discipline and the Olympic version known as the sport side WT Taekwon-Do and is focused on sport.

The two arts are both combative and offer free sparring and many other elements. They also both offer many Taekwon-Do championships held across the globe.

One such ITF club that has been based in St Albans since April 1994 under the guidance of Master Snow, a qualified 8th Dan Black Belt, took part in the 20th South East Taekwon-Do opens, said to be the U.K.’s biggest regional event that was hosted at the Hertfordshire Sports village on 3rd March.

Members from the age of 6 up to 50 competed in semi contact sparring, patterns and special technique sections and returned home with an impressive haul of 15 medals. With over 365 competitors and 42 clubs taking part from the four nations across the U.K., they did very well indeed!

The clubs gained 6th position in the national league table. Even more impressive, both their under 12’s and over 13’s teams won silver medals in the 5 person pattern team event, which in itself was a massive win.

On top of the teams’ success, the following individual medals were also won –

Gold Medallists in the sparring, patterns and special technique were E. Kubrak, A. Harris, V. Gill, S. Au,   M. Stamelou and L. Williams.

Silver Medallists in the sparring and patterns sections were D. Harris won two medals and S. Au.

Bronze Medallists in the sparring and patterns sections were A. Li, J. Carhart, M. Kokoshi who won 2 medals, B. Kubrak, K.Singh, N. Young and N. Singh.

Master Snow said “Our team of instructors from across the five classes do not say winning is our top priority and neither is competition – finding the courage to step out the comfort zone is, as it demonstrates their true resolve. This is why we are so proud of all the other members of the clubs that also took part, but did not secure placements. As the Chief Instructor, I was proud of them all. Whether they won or not, they are all champions to me”.

Full details and classes can be found at or by calling their info line on 07960 476124.

Report by T. Leonard 13/03/24